An increase in the number of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border has increased tensions in the region

An increase in the number of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border has increased tensions in the region, bringing the United States and Russia face to face.

According to a foreign news agency, the two presidents, Joe Biden and Putin, held a two-hour, five-minute virtual meeting in which President Biden hinted at tougher sanctions on Russia in case of military tensions.

President Putin, meanwhile, called on his US counterpart to keep Ukraine out of the Connaught Alliance, reduce the number of US troops in the region and halt the installation of lethal weapons.

According to US officials, President Biden did not make any promises to his Russian counterpart.

A statement issued by the Russian government later said that the two leaders had a cordial meeting and that the Russian military was not a threat to anyone.

In a statement, Putin also called for the lifting of sanctions on US and Russian embassy staff.

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