Pakistanis in Category C countries can return by December 31

ISLAMABAD: Pakistanis in Category C countries have been allowed to return by December 31, but quarantine conditions will have to be met.

The National Command and Operations Center has made a big decision for Pakistanis in Category C countries in view of the threat posed by Omi Kroon. People with HIV will be able to return, but will have to meet the requirements of vaccine certificate, test and quarantine.

Returning Pakistanis will have to abide by the Corona Protocols, and Pakistanis coming from Category C countries will have to undergo full vaccination.

Category C countries will be required to undergo negative PCR tests while Pakistanis coming from countries with amygdala will be required to be quarantined. Happened

Last week, the NCOC had added nine more countries to Category C in view of the threat of Omi Kron, after which the number of countries included in the Category C list was reduced to fifteen. However, passengers coming to Pakistan will be bound by the Corona Protocol.

The NCOC said that those coming from Category C countries have to get an examination certificate from the examination committee.

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