Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday while calling corruption a reason to destroy a country

 ISLAMABAD : Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday while calling corruption a reason to destroy a country, said the factor behind the countries  poverty was not the lack of resources but the corruption of their leadership."Corruption is something which destroys a country. The poor countries are poor not because of they lack resources but because their leadership is corrupt," the prime minister said in an interview with Al Jazeera.To a question, he said the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) had transformed the human beings and changed their characters, and made them leaders.He was Rahamtullil Alamin (blessing for the whole world), not just the Muslims. Anyone who will follow his model will rise,” the prime minister remarked.PM Imran said that I raised the issue of Islamophobia in my first speech at the United Nations. He said that Muslim rulers should collectively tell the West how much we love our Prophet (PBUH).PM Imran said that no Afghan was involved in the 9/11 attacks. He said that in the case of Afghanistan, Pakistan is facing a difficult situation and added that Pakistan shares 2600 kilometres long border with Afghanistan.The prime minister also highlighted the plight of the Kashmiris, saying that occupied Kashmir is like a prison, adding that eight million Kashmiris are forced to live in the open jail.“We will raise the Kashmir issue at every forum.”He said the BJP's fascist government is dangerous for India and the region and "feared that Pak-India nuclear war may break out due to BJP's policies".

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