China's big statement in favor of Pakistan came to light

China's big statement in favor of Pakistan came to light

BEIJING: Pakistan's refusal to attend the US Democracy Summit has prompted China's statement in favor of Islamabad.

 The virtual summit convened by US President Joe Biden on the theme of democracy will continue on December 10, to which approximately 110 countries, including Brazil, Poland, Israel, India and Pakistan, have been invited. Russia, China, European countries Hungary and NATO ally Turkey have not been invited.

On Twitter, he shared a statement from Pakistan's Foreign Office in the form of a photo.

 Yesterday, Pakistan thanked US President Joe Biden for inviting him to the Democracy Summit and said that he would discuss the issue at an "appropriate time" in the future.

A statement issued by the State Department said, "We value the partnership with the United States, which we want to enhance both bilaterally as well as in regional and international cooperation." We are grateful to the United States for inviting Pakistan to the Democracy Summit.

However, the statement also said with reference to the Democracy Summit that "we are in touch with the United States on a number of issues and we believe that we will discuss this issue at an appropriate time in the future."

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