Hearing of cases against encroachments in Margalla Hills National Park

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad High Court (IHC) Chief Justice Athar Minallah's court has heard cases against encroachments in Margalla Hills National Park. Special Assistant Malik Amin Aslam and Chairman Wildlife Management Board summoned in person at the next hearing. During the hearing, the court questioned why the encroached land in Margalla National Park has not been taken back yet.

 Why no action has been taken against the Naval Golf Club. Poor slums are demolished without notice. Encroachments in the National Park have raised important questions of public interest. Additional Attorney General told the court that Special Assistant Malik Amin Aslam, Chairman C. DR, Chairman Wildlife Management Board Committee. They surveyed the national park. Margalla Hills has many gates. The court said that there is no category. There is only one national park. The ownership of this area is with the federal government. The Attorney General told the court that Margalla National Park has an area of ​​31,000 acres, on which the court said that the CDA is the final authority regarding allotment of Acquireland and who has encroached on the allotted land.

On what basis did the Special Assistant conduct the survey, is the naval golf course illegal? The report states that the golf course was built at the site of the encroachment. Who is responsible? On which the Additional Attorney General told the court that the one who built it is responsible for it, to which the court said that no one can do it if he starts building a golf course. Was the CDA asleep? Is there no law in this city? Is naval headquarters illegal? Did the CDA approve it, to which the Additional Attorney General said, "If you give me some time, I will check." Notice has also been given on this occasion.

Why didn't Naval Golf Course take action illegally on National Park land? On this occasion, the court reprimanded the CDA orders saying that when the Naval Golf Course was built, who was the chairman of CDA at that time, on which the CDA orders told the court that the boundary wall was installed in 2012. We have removed 157 encroachments from the National Park which are now a security threat due to the war against.

Is this the rule of law? On which the Additional Attorney General told the court that 8000 acres of land was given to him by the Punjab government in 1910. The court asked him if there was any cantonment area left in Islamabad after the CDA Ordinance. Can't change, where is written in the master plan this ownership will be changed. The court sought arguments from the Additional Attorney General and adjourned the hearing till January 11. 

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